
Take today or this week sometime to read Matthew 15 and verses 21-28. In these verses, especially verse 28 you will see six words that Jesus spoke, “... it shall be done for you ...” Jesus was speaking to a woman that had a very sick daughter. She had been asking, seeking and pleading for someone to help her daughter. We see in the scriptures that no one wanted to help, not even the disciples who were busy and with Jesus. What a feeling of rejection, discouragement and desperation this woman felt and had.  

What did this woman do to get the attention of Jesus and for Jesus to tell her, “.... it shall be done for you ...”, these six words of acceptance, encouragement and hope.  

She did four things that we see in the scriptures .....

 1.  She HEARD of Jesus, verse 21 

2.  She SAW Jesus, verse 21

3.  She KNEW what Jesus could do based on what she had heard and seen, verse 23

4.  She came and ASKED Jesus to do something, verse 25

These four steps, especially the step of ASKING allowed her to see first-hand Jesus meeting this need in her life and her act of Faith in coming to Him.

Today, come to Jesus with your needs. Whatever you have need of ASK Him. He will listen, hear and answer you in His time and within His plan for your life. Come to Him, and let him speak those words, “... it will shall be done for you ...” through what he can and will do for you.  
