
Life is difficult, but GOD is GOOD!

There is a theme all throughout the book of Psalms, and that theme is: Life is difficult, but God is GOOD.

We see this illustrated in Psalm 25 as David is seeking God during a very difficult time in his life. In these 22 verses, David blends a prayer for deliverance from his enemies with a prayer for forgiveness and guidance in his life. David is asking for God’s help as he’s working through some issues he is facing at the time. In this prayer, we are given three reminders to carry through the day.

First, the HELP that we need comes from God.

“To you, O LORD, I lift up my soul; in you I trust…” - 25:1-2

David is praying for guidance, understanding, and for God’s goodness in his life as seen in verses 4 and 5. These were the areas in which he needed help, and by asking God for HELP, David was expressing CONFIDENCE in God and what He could do for him. It’s been said, “When your outlook is bleak, try the UPLOOK.” That’s right, just LOOK UP for that is where your help comes from (Psalm 121:1).

Secondly, we see that God can be TRUSTED.

“All the ways of the LORD are loving and faithful…” - 25:9

In verses 8-11 we see the “why” God can be trusted.

He is good and always does what is right. He does not condemn. He will teach and guide us in his ways and he is merciful.

Thirdly, our trusting God brings us VICTORY.

“My eyes are ever before the LORD, for only He will release my feet from snare.” - 25:15

In these closing verses of chapter 25 (verses 12-22) we see some key things that God helped David to conquer; these were his fears, dangers, loneliness, a broken heart, regrets, and that feeling of despair or wanting to give up on life.

In Psalm 26:12 we read these words from David -

“My feet stand on level ground and I will praise the LORD.” David survived his mess and troubles, and so can you. What do you need God’s HELP with today? David saw VICTORY over several things in his life. What do YOU need to see victory in today? You can trust God, and that begins by TALKING to Him and TURNING everything over to Him. TRUST HIM TODAY!

Have a great week of putting your trust in Him.
