The story of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15:18 gives us some DAILY HOPE for the week.
“I will arise and go to my father ....”
Do you remember this story? This son was a member of a family who had a father thatloved him and provided well for him but this son left all of that and wanted to do his “own thing” and live his life the way that he wanted. By doing so he found out that the decision he made and the journey he choose was not the best and he found himself broke, empty and hungry. So hungry that he was willing to work on a farm and eat what the pigs were eating. As he was about to do this one day, it came to him that what he left and what he had back home and said, “I will arise and go to my Father...”, and he did.
Made some mistakes in your life? We all have. Facing some problems? We all have them. Trying to untangles some knots you’ve made? Letting a past failure keep you down? Are you on a journey seeking someone or something you don’t need or is not right for your life? If so, arise and go to your Father, your heavenly Father who loves you, will forgive you and has the best for you. RISE up, STEP out, LOOK to and TRUST in your Father in Heaven. It is here that you will fine love, joy, peace, help, encouragement, fulfillment and all that you have need of. It is in the Father that we can have all the DAILY HOPE we need.