2 Corinthians 9:6-7
This passage of scripture from the Apostle Paul to believers in Corinth was written to challenge them in giving financial offerings and of themselves in service to the church. To give consistently of what God had blessed them with back to the church and to do so with a “cheerful” heart and spirit.
It’s a couple of days after Christmas, a time of celebrating the greatest gift of all gifs, Jesus Christ and giving many gifts to family and friends.
As Paul challenged the believers at Corinth to give let me challenge us all to keep on giving gifts. Let’s keep on giving gift of ENCOURAGEMENT to someone. A SMILE, a FINANCIAL gift to someone in need, a HELPING HAND and a LISTENING ear to that family member or friend who is struggling today. How about PRAYING for someone and one of the greatest gift that we can give to someone is sharing with them the “good news” of Jesus Christ and sharing with them how they can have eternal life in Christ.
Read Paul’s challenge in 2 Corinthians 9:6-7 and think about what gifts you can give after Christmas. These gifts and more listed above can bring joy, peace and hope to those who will receive them. Giving can change their lives and the one who gave too. Share some DAILY HOPE through your giving!