
PSALM 150:1-6

In just a few days we will be celebrating Thanksgiving, a day of being with family and friends, eating a lot and giving thanks for many things. This focus on “giving thanks” should not be a one day or once a year emphasis. Daily and weekly, we should be focusing on “giving thanks” and “praise” for all that God has done and is doing in our lives.

In Psalm 150, the writer David expresses praise and thanksgiving to God and for all that He has done for him. He uses the word “praise” 13 different times. In these 6 verses David refers to several instruments that can express praise and thanksgiving when played. Here, he is encouraging us to be “instruments” of praise sounding out the overflow of your joyful heart.

Let me encourage you to make a list of at least 10 things that you are thankful and gave praise for. Share these with your family and friends on Thanksgiving Day. Let this also be the start of a new focus on making everyday a day of praise and thanksgiving to God and letting your life be an instrument to praise before others of who God is and what HE can do. Start with giving praise for your salvation and the DAILY HOPE we have in Christ.


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